
Everything First-Time Egg Donors Need to Know

Deciding to become an egg donor is a big step that you need to consider carefully. It’s essential that you undertake this experience well-prepared. The following guide will help you understand your position, rights, and obligations much better, so that the whole experience will be less stressful for you.

Choose your agency carefully
A simple online search will reveal many agencies. The best way is to set up phone consults with all of them because this way you will be able to take a look at all the options available to you. Choose the agency based on the levels of efficiency and professionalism you witness during your meetings. Pay attention to the staff as you will need to stay in contact with these people for a while, so you should feel comfortable working with them.
The role of an agency is to arrange all the tests and medical appointments, find a match between a donor and recipients, employ the services of an attorney to handle the legal aspects of the transaction, ensure the whole process goes smoothly by rendering assistance and counsel where necessary.
Set up a detailed profile.
The more details you put in when filling out questionnaires provided by the agency, the easier you will make it on prospective parents. When they search for donors they are interested not only in pictures but also in your interests, experiences, and thoughts. Therefore, it’s imperative to be honest and detailed.
Study all the legal paperwork.
You will need to read all the contracts and other papers carefully. Use the Internet to do extra research and consult a professional if you have any difficulties understanding some of the points. You need to consider every term of the agreement carefully and think hard on whether you want to commit to it. Once your decision is made, you can sign the papers and move onto the next step.
Consider the anonymity and accountability requirements with extreme care.
The vast majority of contracts will have these stipulations. Being an anonymous donor means that you will have no information about any children born using your eggs and will have no contact with them, except for some extreme situations described in the contract. Usually this covers medical emergencies, like if the child requires bone marrow or organ donor.

Understand that laws change.
Should the reproductive law change in the future, you need to be prepared that your contract will change as well. For example, your information may be released to the child if the law stipulates children conceived through egg donation have a right to contact their biological relatives. This isn’t true at the moment.
Get tested.
You will go through a series of tests, both physiological and psychological as well as through an interview with a therapist in order to ensure that you are physically fit to donate and have no mental or emotional issues. A part of the interview will also touch upon the subject of your personal readiness to part with your eggs and feelings regarding them. Your background and family history will be closely examined. You motivation will be examined as well and you will need to explain your reasons for donating in detail.
You will need to take lots of medications, both pills and shots.
A huge part of the process is synchronizing your cycle with that of the intended parent. This will require you taking hormonal pills as well as receiving some shots of hormones and other medications. You may need to learn how to perform injections on yourself and you will be obliged by law to do this. Note that these medications have to be administered following a schedule and it’s imperative that you follow all the rules to the letter. Time is of essence in the egg donation process.
Your daily routine will change.
During the period of your egg donation, you will need to take injectable medication every day. You will also have to attend between 5-8 medical appointments.

As a donor, you agree to ensure your eggs get the best environment possible during your cycle. This means eating a healthy diet, exercising, avoiding alcohol, not smoking, etc. A physician will also advise you to abstain from intercourse during this time as your fertility rate will skyrocket.
This is the time when you can reduce the amount of stress by meditating and reminding yourself why you are doing this. Your donation will have a couple that has been hoping for a child to make their dreams come true. This thought alone is sure to boost your motivation and positive attitude in the face of challenges.
Know what egg donation is like.
Egg extraction from a donor is an invasive procedure that requires anesthesia. It won’t be pleasant and you would like to take this day off to recuperate.
Being an egg donor is not easy, but this is the reason why it pays so well. However, the most important reward you get is an ability to help a family find true happiness. This is worth more than gold.